Download the New Parent and Student Mobile App!
Go to the Apple App Store or Android Apps on Google Play and search for “ProgressBook Parent/Student” to find the Frontline ProgressBook Parent/Student mobile app and download the app.
If You Already Have an Account
Whether you are a parent/guardian or student, you can use your current ProgressBook username and password to log in to the Frontline ProgressBook Parent/Student mobile app.
1. Open the mobile app.
2. Tap Login.
3. When redirected to the website, begin typing your district name.
a. In the results list that displays, select your district.
b. Tap Go.
c. Enter your Username and Password.
d. Tap Sign In.
If You Have a Registration Key
1. Open the mobile app.
2. Tap Login.
3. When redirected to the website, begin typing your district name.
a. In the results list that displays, select your district.
b. Tap Go.
4. Scroll down to the New to ProgressBook? section.
5. Tap Create Account.
6. On the next screen, tap New Parent Account or New Student Account.
7. Follow the prompts on the screen to complete registration.