district greeting

Greetings CCPA Parents and Students:

Welcome to the Parent and Student Access. We hope this tool is effective in
maintaining communication and progress in the classrooms.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with your building Principal if you have questions concerning
grades or if you would like to schedule a conference.

Raven Jackson, Principal of Elementary K-3 

Constance Turner, Principal of Elementary 4-6

  • Miles Baldwin, Elementary Dean of Students 

Jim Dusso, Principal of Middle School 

  • Ryan Holdren, Asst. Prinicpal of Middle School

Keith Hickman, Principal of High School

  • Jason Thompson, HS Dean of Students                       


CCPA Leadership

Guyton Mathews, Superintendent                         

Genesis Henderson, Assistant Superintendent                         

Ian Frank, Assistant Superintendent                     

Andrea Cope, Chief Administrator,  Business/HR Director   

Rickey Logan, IT and Facilities Director                 

Lindsay Hudepohl, Curriculum Director                                

Janie Allen-Blue, School Health Director